As the western countries had begun mass vaccination, the threat associated with COVID-19 had decreased. More and more people felt comfortable leaving the house with a simple mask and no extra precautions. This low-risk association was unmet in other less developed countries, specifically in India.
While some were lucky enough to see the effects of COVID-19 decrease, many had just been hit by the worst imaginable. COVID-19 cases are increasing at an astronomical rate, with a daily case count of around 400,000 within the country of India. The death count within the country is even worse; on May 19, 2021, India reached the highest number of deaths within a 24-hour period with a total of 4,529 deaths.
The country had been holding mass cremations on a daily basis, with a large number of bodies being burned in a single location. At the Nigam Bodh Ghat, one of India’s largest cremation grounds, 32 additional platforms had to be added to the already present 120. The cremation site near the Ganges River, one of India’s holiest rivers, had received over 1000 bodies for cremation. The desperation within the country is increasing and the need for help has never been higher.
Although the worst of the situation may have passed, the issues are still there. The risk of COVID-19 is the worst to the slums of the country. Slums are small and crowded areas that are occupied by some of the most poverty-struck people. People living within such slums are the ones who are the most at risk to COVID-19 as they are the ones with the least resources and the most vulnerable.
Furthermore, the issue with infection occurring in such slums is that the area is so densely packed; if even one were to get infected, the virus would spread like wildfire. However, with the diminished amount of resources, many of these people are unable to receive any form of treatment and so they either have to brave it out or die fighting.
India has run out of hospital spaces, medical equipment, and oxygen tanks. With a total of 25,772,440 cases, having adequate numbers of tools and resources to support each individual case is an unreasonable expectation of the country. Although many have helped, none has been adequate. Countries such as Australia, China, and France have offered to help India, but countries such as Germany, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, and the UK have sent actual resources and material in order to assist the country.
Additionally, India had developed, donated, and sold more than 66 million doses of the covid vaccine, but with recent spikes within cases, India halted further exportation. With this halt, India is attempting to vaccinate its own populations, but the majority of Indians are still unvaccinated.
The issue in India is that out of those selected who are getting vaccinated, not many are returning for a second dose. This second dose is vital for ensured protection against the COVID virus. Unfortunately, though, either due to low stocks or simply to the mentality surrounding the vaccine, a majority of the population is not getting completely vaccinated.
All in all, given the situation within the country, India is holding on as best as it can. Given the low vaccinations, the low resources, but the high contagion risk, India is at the risk of losing a large proportion of its population. With millions already sick and thousands dead, India will need to take extreme steps in order to decrease the risk of the virus within their country.
Agarwal, Vibhuti, and Krishna Pokharel. “India's Covid-19 Daily Death Toll Hits World's High.” The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones & Company, 19 May 2021, www.wsj.com/articles/indias-covid-19-daily-death-toll-hits-worlds-high-11621445978.
“Fear of COVID-19 Stalks Delhi Slum Dwellers with No Safety Net.” Reuters, Thomson Reuters, 28 Apr. 2021, www.reuters.com/world/india/fear-covid-19-stalks-delhi-slum-dwellers-with-no-safety-net-2021-04-28/.
Quito, Anne. “The World Is Starting to Grasp the True Toll of India's Covid-19 Crisis.” Quartz, Quartz, 25 Apr. 2021, qz.com/2001157/a-list-of-countries-helping-india-through-its-covid-19-crisis/.
Shah, Hasit. “India Exported Millions of Vaccine Doses during Its Own Covid Emergency.” Quartz, Quartz, 26 Apr. 2021, qz.com/2001534/why-did-india-export-millions-of-covid-vaccines/.
Yeung, Jessie. “India Is Spiraling Deeper into Covid-19 Crisis. Here's What You Need to Know.” CNN, Cable News Network, 11 May 2021, www.cnn.com/2021/04/26/india/india-covid-second-wave-explainer-intl-hnk-dst/index.html
“ India Coronavirus Cases.” Worldometer, 20 May 2021, 4:02, www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/.