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Cyber Attacks and How You Can Avoid Them

Arjun Mamidala

Have you ever dealt with a virus or some sort of cyber attack on your device and didn’t know how to address the situation? If you have, then I can assure you that you’re not the only one, because there are millions of other people who are, or have been in the same boat as you at some point. As this world is becoming more and more digital, the number of hackers who are eager to exploit computer systems to their advantage will only increase. While all attacks might seem the same, there are so many different types of cyber-attacks and there are so many different reasons why these people hack. In this article, I’ll be covering some of the most common types of attacks out there and what each one is.

The first type of attack is a phishing attack, where hackers design an email and make it look so accurate and authentic before they send it to someone. When the recipient opens the email, it looks like an email that has been sent from someone they really know, like a colleague or a friend, or a request such as one from their bank. There’s also a link in the email that resembles the official link of a website or an organization. Although this link looks very similar, there’s a small difference between this fake link and an actual link that creates the whole difference. The attackers are so good at pretending to be someone or something the recipient trusts that they won’t even realize that the email that they received is fake and intended to harm. Once the recipient clicks on the link, a virus immediately attacks their system and the hackers will be able to steal sensitive info.

Another really common type of attack is a ransomware attack. The types of attacks are usually done to the wealthy since the whole point of this attack is to gain money. Hackers generally take advantage of phishing emails in order to initiate a ransomware attack. Once the recipient clicks on an unsafe link or attachment that downloads a type of malware on their system and compromises their sensitive info, the hackers take advantage of the situation and blackmail the person to pay them a certain amount of money in order to retrieve the information. If the person refuses to pay the amount of ransom, then they might even release the sensitive information so that it’s visible to everyone else. Unfortunately, even if the ransom amount is paid, there is no guarantee that the files will be returned.

The last type of cyber attack I’ll be discussing in this article is a zero-day exploit, which is where the hackers learn about a vulnerability that’s associated with a certain operating system or another software application. Once they learn about this, they are very confident that they can use this weakness to their advantage by targeting someone, especially a large and famous organization, and hack them until this vulnerability is fixed.

Although people are striving to improve technology in our world to make our daily lives so convenient, there are hackers out there who are trying to use this to their advantage and hack systems for different reasons, whether it be to gain money or something else out of it. In order to address these problems, we will have to take necessary precautions.

Some of the precautions include:

  • Installing antivirus

  • Encrypting data

  • Think twice before clicking a link or an attachment, especially from an unknown source

  • Keeping your software up-to-date

  • Avoid sharing sensitive information unless you’re sure it’s a trusted source

  • Set stronger passwords

  • Don’t access sensitive information while using public Wi-Fi

  • Set two-factor authentication


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