Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is growing so fast that it literally may soon take over the world. The book definition of AI is “the ability of a digital computer or computer controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.” In layman’s terms this means a computer is programmed to do a task that a human would do by using their intelligence. AI is not only geared towards one market, instead many different industries are beginning to adapt AI into their products. There are both many pros and cons about this intelligence that the world must consider throughout before we decide how much we can let AI control our day to day tasks. To begin, let's take a look at some of the different forms, benefits, and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.
AI is already heavily used in society. AI is used in places such as the Uber App, Grammarly, Robo-Readers, Google’s AI Powered Predictions, and so many more. The largest growing form of artificial intelligence that is not completely in use yet is robotic surgery. Robotic surgery is basically a programmed robot that can perform surgery on a human or animal in the same way a true surgeon would. This works because people have programmed this robot to completely imitate the same movements and sequence of steps that the original surgeon did during their surgery. This may seem like the best plan possible because of so many benefits that come with it. To list: the benefits include less time during the surgeries, not as messy, less sanitization, increase in job opportunities in the engineering field, and finally the extreme reduction of nurses and assistants in the surgery room. These benefits are great, however there are a few major cons as well which include: much more expensive surgeries, major reduction of job opportunity in the medical field, and people may refuse to believe that the surgery is safe since a robot is performing it. These cons are some of the reasons why it is extremely difficult to be able to maximize the benefits of AI services such as robotic surgery.
Another form of AI that is exponentially rising in recognition is Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Neuralink is “a brain-machine interface that uses implant chips and thousands of electrodes in the most complex organ to connect humans and computers” Neuralink is revolutionizing the world by introducing a whole new perspective to life. Imagine having surgery to place a chip in your head that can perform different things that you couldn’t ever imagine. Neuralink is being programmed to allow humans with a chip to communicate with other humans with a chip without even uttering a word. This is all created by using artificial intelligence, however in Neuralink’s case AI is being taken to another level that has never been explored before. Once again, we have to consider the pros and cons of this product. There are many of both. Some pros for Neuralink are: communicate without saying anything, understand what someone else is thinking, perform work faster, and you can be able to do different things with your brain that you never thought you could. However, with great pros comes many cons. Some of the cons are: surgery for the chip will be expensive, too much information may be able to be transmitted through the chips, and people may not like the idea of inserting an unknown chip inside their head without knowing what it might do to them. To conclude, regardless of all pros and cons of AI in general, the upcoming generation will be living in a world that will be primarily involved around AI because of the many benefits that some would say outweigh the cons. In conclusion, we must all begin to research more and more about artificial intelligence in order to be on par with the continuously developing world.
Copeland, B.J.. "Artificial intelligence". Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 Aug. 2020, https://www.britannica.com/technology/artificial-intelligence. Accessed 11 March 2021.
Desk, Web. “Elon Musk’s Gamechanging Neuralink, and the ‘Three Little Pigs Demo’: Explained.” The Week, 29 Aug. 2020, www.theweek.in/news/sci-tech/2020/08/29/elon-musk-gamchanging-neuralink-and-the-three-little-pigs-demo-explained.html#:%7E:text=What%20is%20Neuralink%3F,to%20connect%20humans%20and%20computers.